​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ The Stress Wars

Regular Price : S$23.00​

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Category : Adult
Author : A/Prof Daniel Fung, Adj A/Prof Ong Say How, Shirlyn Goh
Item Code : 9789814893763

Commemorating the 50th year of Child Guidance Clinic, this graphic novel journeys the development of child mental health services in Singapore. The opening of Child Gu​idance Clinic in 1970 eventually led to the deve​lopment of a second clinic in IMH and IMH’s Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department. A/Prof Daniel Fung and Adj A/Prof Ong Say How also provide a guide for families on how to look after the mental health of everyone in the family, such as understanding difficult emotions and respectful communication skills to strategies for calming stress responses.

How to Order

​The St​ress Wars is also available on ​Kinokuniya and Amazon online bookstores.