
Referral documents

Referral letter (if any)

Identification documents

  • Identity card (for Citizens or Permanent Residents of Singapore)
  • Birth certificate (for patients under 12 years of age)
  • Passport (for foreigners)
  • Work permit / Employment pass (if any)
  • Any other identification documents

Medical benefit documents if available

  • Civil Service Card (if any)
  • Staff card (for companies which are under Hospitalisation Identity Card scheme with IMH)
  • Medical Fee Exemption Card (MFEC)
  • Public Assistance Card (PA)
  • Letter of Guarantee from company (if any)
  • Baby Bonus Nets Card (if any)
  • Any other medical benefit documents

Extra sets of clothes and toiletries (chargeable) will be provided.

Please do not bring valuables or excessive cash with you during your hospital stay. If you have these items when you are admitted, please ask your relatives to take them home, or hand them over to our nurses for safekeeping. The hospital will not be responsible for any loss of valuables or cash kept by the patients in the ward.​

Administration Registration

Please proceed to Emergency Services for registration.

Deposit Payment

A deposit is mandatory for ward classes A, B1 and B2. The deposit payment amount will depend on the estimated length of stay. For the exact amount and more details, please inquire at the Emergency Services counter.

Hospital Policies

The following two documents will be given and explained to the patient, family and/or relatives upon admission.

  • Patient Information Sheet
  • Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Ward Orientation

To make your stay more comfortable, you will be oriented around the wards.


Meals will be taken in the ward at the scheduled hours.

Telephone Use in Wards

If you need to make an urgent phone call, please inform our friendly staff nurses and they will assist you.

Please check with your doctor if you wish to leave the hospital premises.

Smoking within the hospital compound is strictly prohibited by law.​