​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Essential Guide to Psychiatry

Book Price ​(Physical Copy) : S$71.40
eBook: S$42.80
Bundle (Physical copy + eBook) : S​$87.70

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Category : Adult
Editor : A/Prof Sim Kang, A/Prof Somnath Sengupta, Prof Daniel SS Fung, and Dr Chee Kuan Tsee
Item Code : 9789814576550

The Essential Guide to Psychiatry is a recommended resource for medical students, as well as a practical reference book for practising psychiatrists and mental health professionals from various fields. Informative and easy-to-read, this comprehensive textbook covers a range of mental health topics, with perspectives based on Asian cultures, primarily in the Singapore context. The Essential Guide to Psychiatry is​ learner-centric, providing up-to-date evidence and illustrations, with objectives clearly stated. It reflects an integrated and multi-disciplinary assessment, treatment and rehabilitation process in the management of psychiatric disorders.

Hardcover, thread sewn.

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