IMH is an acute tertiary psychiatric hospital that provides mental health services. You will receive considerate, respectful, appropriate and cost-effective medical care, regardless of your age, gender, race, nationality, social status, physical or mental illness.
Your multidisciplinary treatment team comprises doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. Trainees may participate in your care under supervision.
Informed consent is required from you for some treatments and procedures. If you are unable to make decisions on your care due to mental incapacity, we may seek consent from your caregiver who is legally authorised to make decisions on your behalf. When
there is no one legally authorised to make decisions on your behalf and you lack mental capacity to make decisions on your care, the doctor may order treatment in your best interests in consultation with your caregivers.
Informed consent is required should you participate in research study.
During the course of your treatment, you will be treated with dignity and accorded privacy at all times. You will also receive care in a safe environment. We will also offer appropriate protection to vulnerable persons due to age, disability and/or ill health.
Your treatment team will explain about your condition and treatment plan in a language you can understand.
You may accept or refuse medical care or recommended treatment subject to legal conditions. In so doing, you accept the responsibility for any medical consequences resulting from your decision.
You are required to participate actively in your treatment including decision-making regarding your treatment plans.
You may inform the hospital of any difficulties you may be facing in complying with the prescribed treatment plan.
You should treat all hospital staff, other patients and visitors with courtesy and respect.
You have the right to leave the hospital against the advice of your doctor, unless you are in legal custody within the ambit of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act (MHCTA), the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) or the Infectious Disease Act (IDA), or where restrictions on such right to leave the hospital are otherwise stipulated and/or permitted or authorised by any existing law in force in Singapore. However, if you choose to do so, the hospital and doctors will not be held responsible for any medical consequences pertaining to your health thereafter.
You have the right to meet and talk with family, friends and other visitors during visiting hours, unless the hospital policy or your doctor’s order states otherwise. You and your family also have the right to refuse visitors unless otherwise required by the law.
You have the right to seek a second opinion for your medical condition (unless you are detained under the MHCTA, CPC or IDA), without fear of compromise to your care within the organisation.
We will continue to address your care and treatment needs following your discharge.
You have the right to discuss Advance Care Planning (ACP) with your treating doctor and family which will serve to guide decisions on matters relating to your healthcare if you lose your mental capacity in the future. The discussion on ACP may include subjects related to Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) and/or Advance Medical Directive (AMD), if applicable.
There are processes in place to ensure that your medical records are only accessible to staff involved in your care, those who are monitoring the quality of your care or involved in medical research and education as authorised by the law or the hospital. You may obtain a copy of your medical records in accordance with the hospital policy.
We respect your emotional, social, spiritual and cultural needs. You may request for spiritual support and access during your stay with us. You are welcome to arrange for a religious counsellor to visit and/or pray for you while you are in the hospital. However, do note
that permission can be granted only when it does not cause disturbance or harm to others.
You will be provided with financial counselling and information on financial assistance schemes pertaining to your medical bills before services are rendered. If you require financial assistance, you may approach our medical social workers. Should you have queries on the
accuracy of your bills and hospital charges, you may consult our Business Office representatives.
You are required to leave IMH once you are certified medically fit for discharge. If you are unable to do so within a grace period of six days, government subsidy will be withdrawn and you will be required to pay the non-subsidised rate from the 7th day onwards.
Click here for more info on Social Overstayers.
We need you and/or your family to provide complete and accurate information about your health, including any present conditions, past illnesses, hospitalisation, medication and any other related information.
To facilitate registration and payment processes, do provide complete and accurate personal particulars and consent to access your Medisave, Medishield, etc.
You are encouraged to respect the privacy of other patients and abide by all hospital rules and regulations pertaining to patients and visitors.
We strive to make your experience at IMH a pleasant and comfortable one. Feel free to approach our staff if you need assistance. For further information regarding services in IMH, you may contact us at:
General Enquiries: 6389 2000
Appointment Line: 6389 2200