​The Affective Disorders Clinic is led​ by a multidisciplinary team consisting of psychiatrists and allied health specialists (such as a psychologist, pharmacist and case manager). This service is offered to patients aged 18 years and above, and cases are seen based on referrals from IMH psychiatrists.

The team manages complex and/or treatment-resistant cases of affective disorders, such as major depressive disorders and bipolar disorders.

We accept referrals for a second opinion on diagnosis and treatment of affective disorders.

We focus on providing customised evidence-based intervention programmes for patients with treatment-resistant or complex affective disorders and patients are intensively followed up over a one-year period. Individualised treatment programmes are developed and progress is tracked and discussed by the team after every patient visit.

Research is an essential part of any specialised service. IMH is continually building up its research portfolio and collaborating with interested parties and agencies for research opportunities in the area of mood disorders.

The team keeps abreast of the latest developments in mood disorder research and regularly shares such updates with practitioners.

Managing Mood Disorders ​