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Abdin E, Chong SA, Seow E, Verma S, Tan KB, Subramaniam M. Mapping the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale scores to EQ-5D-5L and SF-6D utility scores in patients with schizophrenia. Quality of Life Research. 28(1):177-186
Abdin E, Chong SA, Seow E, Peh CX, Tan JH, Liu J, Hui SFS, Chua BY, Sim K, Verma S, Vaingankar JA, Subramaniam M. A comparison of the reliability and validity of SF-6D, EQ-5D and HUI3 utility measures in patients with schizophrenia and patients with depression in Singapore. Psychiatry Research. 274:400-408
Abdin E, Subramaniam M, Chan A, Chen JA, Chong CL, Wang C, Lee M, Gan SL. iWorkHealth: An instrument to identify workplace psychosocial risk factors for a multi-ethnic Asian working population. PLoS One. 14(8):e0220566. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220566
Abdul Rashid NA, Nurjono M, Lee J. Clinical Determinants of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Individuals with Schizophrenia. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 46:62-67
Ang MS, Nurjono M, Lee J. The effects of clinical illness severity and physical activity on health-related quality of life in schizophrenia. Quality of Life Research. 28(6):1509-1520
Ang MS, Rekhi G, Lee J. Validation of the Brief Negative Symptom Scale and its association with functioning. Schizophrenia Research. 208:97-104
Ang RX, Chew QH, Sum MY, Sengupta S, Sim K. Systematic review of the use of debates in health professions education - does it work? GMS Journal for Medical Education. 36(4):Doc37. doi: 10.3205/zma001245. eCollection 2019
Asharani PV, Amron S, Ng RSK, Varghese S, Cheok CCS. The utilisation patterns of helpline and Web chat services among gamblers in Singapore. Singapore Medical Journal. 60(4):164-167
Asharani PV, Jun Wen T, Karuvetil MZ, Cheong A, Cheok C, Kandasami G. Unnatural Death among Treatment Seeking Substance Users in Singapore: A Retrospective Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(15). pii: E2743. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16152743
Bauer M, Glenn T, Alda M, Andreassen OA, Angelopoulos E, Ardau R, Ayhan Y, Baethge C, Bauer R, Baune BT, Becerra-Palars C, Bellivier F, Belmaker RH, Berk M, Bersudsky Y, Bicakci Ş, Birabwa-Oketcho H, Bjella TD, Cabrera J, Wo Cheung EY, Del Zompo M, Dodd S, Donix M, Etain B, Fagiolini A, Fountoulakis KN, Frye MA, Gonzalez-Pinto A, Gottlieb JF, Grof P, Harima H, Henry C, Isometsä ET, Janno S, Kapczinski F, Kardell M, Khaldi S, Kinicki S, König B, Kot TL, Krogh R, Kunz M, Lafer B, Landén M, Larsen ER, Lewitzka U, Licht RW, Lopez-Jaramillo C, MacQueen G, Manchia M, Marsh W, Martinez-Cengotitabengoa M, Melle I, Meza-Urzúa F, Ming MY, Monteith S, Morken G, Mosca E, Mozzhegorov AA, Munoz R, Mythri SV, Nacef F, Nadella RK, Nery FG, Nielsen RE, O'Donovan C, Omrani A, Osher Y, Sørensen HØ, Ouali U, Ruiz YP, Pilhatsch M, Pinna M, da Ponte FDR, Quiroz D, Ramesar R, Rasgon N, Reddy MS, Reif A, Ritter P, Rybakowski JK, Sagduyu K, Raghuraman BS, Scippa ÂM, Severus E, Simhandl C, Stackhouse PW Jr, Stein DJ, Strejilevich S, Subramaniam M, Sulaiman AH, Suominen K67, Tagata H, Tatebayashi Y, Tondo L, Torrent C, Vaaler AE, Vares E, Veeh J, Vieta E, Viswanath B, Yoldi-Negrete M, Zetin M, Zgueb Y, Whybrow PC. Association between solar insolation and a history of suicide attempts in bipolar I disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 113:1-9
Berger M, Nelson B, Markulev C, Yuen HP, Schafer MR, Mossaheb N, Schlogelhofer M, Smesny S, Hickie IB, Berger GE, Chen EYH, Haan LD, Nieman DH, Nordentoft M, Rossler AR, Verma S, Thompson A, Yung AR, McGorry PD, Amminger GP. Relationship between Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Psychopathology in the NEURAPRO Clinical Trial. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10:393. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00393. eCollection
Brown P, RELISH Consortium*, Zhou Y, Seow E. Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search. DATABASE, The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation. 1–66 doi: 10.1093/database/baz085.
Cetty L, Shahwan S, Satghare P, Devi F, Chua BY, Verma S, Lee H, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Hazardous alcohol use in a sample of first episode psychosis patients in Singapore. BMC Psychiatry. 19(1):91
Chan CT, Abdin E, Subramaniam M, Tay SA, Lim LK, Verma S. Two-Year Clinical and Functional Outcomes of an Asian Cohort at Ultra-High Risk of Psychosis. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 9:758. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2018.00758
Chan CYW, Abdin E, Seow E, Subramaniam M, Liu J, Peh CX, Tor PC. Clinical effectiveness and speed of response of electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 73(7):416-422
Chang S, Abdin E, Shafie S, Sambasivam R, Vaingankar JA, Ma S, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Prevalence and correlates of generalized anxiety disorder in Singapore: Results from the second Singapore Mental Health Study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. 66:102106
Chang S, Picco L, Abdin E, Yuan Q, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Resilience and associative stigma among mental health professionals in a tertiary psychiatric hospital: a cross-sectional study in Singapore. BMJ Open 9(12):e033762.
Chew QH, Holmboe E, Sim K. Learning environment, stress and coping in psychiatry residents within a national training program: a longitudinal study. Perspectives on Medical Education. 8(3):160-166
Chua YC, Abdin E, Tang C, Subramaniam M, Verma S. First-episode psychosis and vocational outcomes: A predictive model. Schizophrenia Research. 211:63-68
Choo CC, Devakaran B, Chew PKH, Zhang MWB. Smartphone Application in Postgraduate Clinical Psychology Training: Trainees' Perspectives. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(21). pii: E4206
Devi F, Shahwan S, Teh WL, Sambasivam R, Zhang YJ, Lau YW, Ong SH, Fung D, Gupta B, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. The prevalence of childhood trauma in psychiatric outpatients. Annals of General Psychiatry. 18:15. doi: 10.1186/s12991-019-0239-1 eCollection 2019
Dong M, Zeng LN, Zhang Q, Ungvari GS, Ng CH, Chiu HFK, Si TM, Sim K, Avasthi A, Grover S, Chong MY, Chee KY, Kanba S, Lee MS, Yang SY, Udomratn P, Kallivayalil RA, Tanra AJ, Maramis MM, Shen WW, Sartorius N, Mahendran R, Tan CH, Shinfuku N, Xiang YT. Concurrent antipsychotic use in older adults treated with antidepressants in Asia. Psychogeriatrics. 19(4):333-339
Dong M, Zeng LN, Zhang Q, Yang SY, Chen LY, Najoan E, Kallivayalil RA, Viboonma K, Jamaluddin R, Javed A, Hoa DTQ, Iida H, Sim K, Swe T, He YL, Park Y, Ahmed HU, De Alwis A, Chiu HFK, Sartorius N, Tan CH, Chong MY, Shinfuku N, Lin SK, Avasthi A, Grover S, Ng CH, Ungvari GS, Xiang YT. Prescription of antipsychotic and concomitant medications for adult Asian schizophrenia patients: Findings of the 2016 Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns (REAP) survey. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 45:74-80
Fealy S, Chan S, Wynne O, Dowse E, Ebert L, Ho R, Zhang MWB, Jones, D. The Support for New Mums Project: A protocol for a Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial designed to test a Postnatal Psychoeducation Smartphone Application. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 75(6):1347-1359
Fok WY, Low SG, Vasanwala FF. Hospital to Home: A model of transition of care. Singapore Family Physician. 45(3):31-35
Fok WY, Low SG, Vasanwala FF. A new lease of life: Living with disability and renal dialysis. Singapore Family Physician. 45(6):25-28
Goh CMJ, Abdin E, Jeyagurunathan A, Shafie S, Sambasivam R, Zhang YJ, Vaingankar JA, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Exploring Singapore's consumption of local fish, vegetables and fruits, meat and problematic alcohol use as risk factors of depression and subsyndromal depression in older adults. BMC Geriatrics. 19(1):161
Harold D, Connolly S, Riley BP, Kendler KS, McCarthy SE, McCombie WR, Richards A, Owen MJ, O'Donovan MC, Walters J; Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Donohoe G, Gill M, Corvin A, Morris DW. Population-based identity-by-descent mapping combined with exome sequencing to detect rare risk variants for schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics, Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 180(3):223-231
Hirota T, Guerrero A, Sartorius N, Fung D, Leventhal B, Ong SH, Kaneko H, Apinuntavech S, Bennett A, Bhoomikumar J, Cheon KA, Dayaasuren O, Gau S, Hall B, Koren E, van Nguyen T, Oo T, Tan S, Tateno M, Thikeo M, Wiguna T, Wong M, Zheng Y, Skokauskas N. Child and adolescent psychiatry in the Far East: A 5-year follow up on the Consortium on Academic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in the Far East (CACAP-FE) study. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. 73(2):84-89
Hombali A, Sagayadevan V, Tan WM, Chong R, Yip HW, Vaingankar J, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. A narrative synthesis of possible causes and risk factors of hoarding behaviours. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 42:104-114
Hombali A, Mahesh M, Chang S, Ong HL, Abdin E, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Prevalence of disordered eating behaviors in individuals with mental illness – a systematic review. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry. 20 (1):49-59
Hombali AS, Solon JA, Venkatesh BT, Nair NS, Peña-Rosas JP. Fortification of staple foods with vitamin A for vitamin A deficiency. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 5:CD010068. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD010068.pub2.
Ho NF, Li Hui Chong P, Lee DR, Chew QH, Chen G, Sim K. The Amygdala in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A Synthesis of Structural MRI, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, and Resting-State Functional Connectivity Findings. Harvard Review of Psychiatry. 27(3):150-164
Huckins LM, Dobbyn A6, Ruderfer DM, Hoffman G, Wang W, Pardiñas AF, Rajagopal VM, Als TD, T Nguyen H, Girdhar K, Boocock J, Roussos P, Fromer M, Kramer R, Domenici E, Gamazon ER, Purcell S; CommonMind Consortium; Schizophrenia Working Group of the PsyUniversity of Copenhagenchiatric Genomics Consortium; iPSYCH-GEMS Schizophrenia Working Group, Demontis D, Børglum AD, Walters JTR, O'Donovan MC, Sullivan P, Owen MJ, Devlin B, Sieberts SK, Cox NJ, Im HK, Sklar P, Stahl EA. Gene expression imputation across multiple brain regions provides insights into schizophrenia risk. Nature Genetics. 51(6):1068
Imamura K, Tran TTT, Nguyen HT, Kuribayashi K, Sakuraya A, Nguyen AQ, Bui TM, Nguyen QT, Nguyen KT, Nguyen GTH, Tran XTN, Truong TQ, Zhang MWB, Minas H, Sekiya Y, Sasaki N, Tsutsumi A, Kawakami N. Effects of two types of smartphone-based stress management programmes on depressive and anxiety symptoms among hospital nurses in Vietnam: a protocol for three-arm randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 9(4):e025138
Kwan YH, Uy EJ, Bautista DC, Xin X, Xiao Y, Lee GL, Subramaniam M, Vaingankar JA, Chan MF, Kumar N, Cheung Y, Chua TSJ, Thumboo J. Development and calibration of a novel social relationship item bank to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Singapore. Health & Quality of Life Outcomes. 17(1):82
Kwan YH, Uy EJ, Bautista DC, Xin X, Xiao Y, Lee GL, Subramaniam M, Vaingankar JA, Chan MF, Kumar N, Cheung YB, Chua TSJ, Thumboo J. Development and calibration of a novel positive mindset item bank to measure health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in Singapore. PLoS One. 14(7):e0220293. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0220293. eCollection 2019.
Kubota R, Nixon RDV. The effect of mindfulness training on rumination and intrusions after analogue trauma. Australian Psychologist.
Lam M, Hill WD, Trampush JW, Yu J, Knowles E, Davies G, Stahl E, Huckins L, Liewald DC, Djurovic S, Melle I, Sundet K, Christoforou A, Reinvang I, DeRosse P, Lundervold AJ, Steen VM, Espeseth T, Räikkönen K15, Widen E, Palotie A, Eriksson JG, Giegling I19, Konte B, Hartmann AM, Roussos P20, Giakoumaki S, Burdick KE22, Payton A, Ollier W, Chiba-Falek O, Attix DK, Need AC, Cirulli ET, Voineskos AN, Stefanis NC, Avramopoulos D31, Hatzimanolis A, Arking DE, Smyrnis N34, Bilder RM, Freimer NA, Cannon TD, London E, Poldrack RA38, Sabb FW, Congdon E37, Conley ED, Scult MA, Dickinson D, Straub RE, Donohoe G, Morris D, Corvin A, Gill M45, Hariri AR41, Weinberger DR, Pendleton N, Bitsios P, Rujescu D, Lahti J, Le Hellard S, Keller MC, Andreassen OA, Deary IJ, Glahn DC, Malhotra AK, Lencz T. Pleiotropic Meta-Analysis of Cognition, Education, and Schizophrenia Differentiates Roles of Early Neurodevelopmental and Adult Synaptic Pathways. American Journal of Human Genetics. 105(2):334-350
Lam M, Chen CY, Li Z, Martin AR, Bryois J, Ma X, Gaspar H, Ikeda M, Benyamin B, Brown BC, Liu R, Zhou W, Guan L, Kamatani Y, Kim SW, Kubo M, Kusumawardhani AAAA, Liu CM, Ma H, Periyasamy S, Takahashi A, Xu Z, Yu H, Zhu F; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Indonesia Schizophrenia Consortium; Genetic REsearch on schizophreniA neTwork-China and the Netherlands (GREAT-CN), Chen WJ, Faraone S, Glatt SJ, He L, Hyman SE, Hwu HG, McCarroll SA, Neale BM, Sklar P, Wildenauer DB, Yu X, Zhang D, Mowry BJ, Lee J, Holmans P, Xu S, Sullivan PF, Ripke S, O'Donovan MC, Daly MJ, Qin S, Sham P, Iwata N, Hong KS, Schwab SG, Yue W, Tsuang M, Liu J, Ma X, Kahn RS, Shi Y, Huang H. Comparative genetic architectures of schizophrenia in East Asian and European populations. Nature Genetics. 51(12):1670-1678
Lau YW, Vaingankar JA, Abdin E, Shafie S, Jeyagurunathan A, Zhang Y, Magadi H, Ng LL, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Social support network typologies and their association with dementia and depression among older adults in Singapore: a cross-sectional analysis. BMJ Open. 9(5): e025303
Liew TM, Tai BC, Yap P, Koh GC. Comparing the Effects of Grief and Burden on Caregiver Depression in Dementia Caregiving: A Longitudinal Path Analysis over 2.5 Years. Journal of the American Disorders Association. 20(8):977-983.e4
Liew TM, Lee CS. Reappraising the efficacy and acceptability of multicomponent interventions for caregiver depression in dementia: the utility of network meta-analysis. The Gerontologist. 59(4):e380-e392
Liew TM, Lee CS, Goh Shawn KL, Chang ZY. Potentially Inappropriate Prescribing Among Older Persons: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Annals of Family Medicine. 17(3):257-266
Liew TM, Yap P. A 3-item screening scale for caregiver burden in dementia caregiving: scale development and score mapping to the 22-item Zarit Burden Interview. Journal of the American Medical Directors Associations. 20(5):629-633
Liew TM, Tai BC, Yap P, Koh GCH. Development and validation of a brief screening tool for caregiver grief in dementia caregiving. BMC Geriatrics. 19(1):54 (
Liew TM, Tai BC, Yap P, Koh GCH. Contrasting the risk factors of grief and burden in caregivers of persons with dementia: multivariate analysis. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 34(2):258-264
Liew TM, Yap P, Ng TP, Mahendran R, Kua EH, Feng L. Symptom clusters of subjective cognitive decline among older persons and their utilities in predicting objective cognitive performance: structural equation modelling. European Journal of Neurology. 26(9):1153-1160
Liew TM. Developing a brief neuropsychological battery for early diagnosis of cognitive impairment. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(8):1054.e11-1054.e20
Lim M, Li Z, Xie H, Tan BL, Lee J. An Asian study on clinical and psychological factors associated with personal recovery in people with psychosis. BMC Psychiatry. 19(1):256
Lim DSH, Gwee AJ, Hong RY. Associations Between the DSM-5 Section III Trait Model and Impairments in Functioning in Singaporean College Students. Journal of Personality Disorders. 33(3):413-431
Liu J, Abdin E, Verma S, Sim K, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Clarifying pathways to poor psychological health: The mediating role of psychosocial factors in the relationship between general psychopathology and quality of life impairment in patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 75(6):1022-1033
Liu C, Cao B, Yu R, Sim K. Basal ganglia volumetric changes in psychotic spectrum disorders. Journal of Affective Disorders. 255:150-157
Research Paper. IF: 4.084
Lee YP, Ngaiman NKB, Poon LY, Jalil HBA, Yap MH, Abdin E, Subramaniam M, Lee H, Verma SK. Evaluating Singapore’s CHAT Assessment Service by the World Mental Health Organization (WHO) “Youth Friendly” Health Services Framework. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 10:422
Lee YY, Ang S, Chua HC, Subramaniam M. Peer Support in Mental Health: A Growing Movement in Singapore. Annals Academy of Medicine, Singapore. 48(3):95-97
Levis B, Benedetti A, Thombs BD, Riehm KE, Saadat N, Levis AW, Azar M, Rice DB, Chiovitti MJ, Sanchez TA, Boruff J, Cuijpers P, Gilbody S, Ioannidis JPA, Kloda LA, McMillan D, Patten SB, Shrier I, Ziegelstein RC, Akena DH, Arroll B, Ayalon L, Baradaran HR, Baron M, Bombardier CH, Butterworth P, Carter G, Chagas MH, Chan JCN, Clover K, Conwell Y, de Man-van Ginkel JM, Delgadillo J, Fann JR, Fischer FH, Fung D, Gelaye B, Goodyear-Smith F, Greeno CG, Hall BJ, Hambridge J, Harrison PA, Härter M, Hegerl U, Hides L, Hobfoll SE, Hudson M, Inagaki M, Ismail K, Jetté N, Khamseh ME, Kiely KM, Kwan Y, Liu SI, Lotrakul M, Loureiro SR, Löwe B, Marsh L, McGuire A, Mohd Sidik S, Munhoz TN, Muramatsu K, Osório FL, Patel V, Pence BW, Persoons P, Picardi A, Reuter K, Rooney AG, Santos IS, Shaaban J, Sidebottom A, Simning A, Stafford L, Sung SC, Tan PLL, Turner A, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, van Weert HC, Vöhringer PA, White J, Whooley MA, Winkley K, Yamada M, Zhang Y. Accuracy of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for screening to detect major depression: individual participant data meta-analysis. BMJ. 365:I1476
Martinengo L, Van Galen L, Lum E, Kowalski M, Subramaniam M, Car J. Suicide prevention and depression apps' suicide risk assessment and management: a systematic assessment of adherence to clinical guidelines. BMC Medicine. 17(1):231
Ng QX, Yong CSK, Loke W, Yeo WS, Soh AYS. Escitalopram-induced liver injury: A case report and review of literature. World Journal of Hepatology.
Ng QX, Ramamoorthy K, Loke W, Lee MWL, Yeo WS, Lim DY, Sivalingam V. Clinical Role of Aspirin in Mood Disorders: A Systematic Review. Brain Sciences. 9(11). pii: E296. doi: 10.3390/brainsci9110296
Ng QX, Foo NX, Loke W, Koh YQ, Seah VJM, Soh AYS, Yeo WS. Is there an association between Helicobacter pylori infection and irritable bowel syndrome? A meta-analysis. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 25(37):5702-5710
Ong CY, Soh LL, Low SG, Mok YM, Vasanwala FF. Reducing Follow-Up Appointments in a Mental Health Institute in Singapore: Family Medicine-Psychiatry Collaboration. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders. 21(3) :18m02405
Ong SY, Lee M, Lee LS, Lim I, Tham KY. Tensions in integrating clinician and educator role identities: a qualitative study with occupational therapists and physiotherapists. BMJ Open. 9(2):e024821
Ong JG, Lim-Ashworth NS, Ooi YP, Boon JS, Ang RP, Goh DH, Ong SH, Fung DS. An Interactive Mobile App Game to Address Aggression (RegnaTales): Pilot Quantitative Study. JMIR Serious Games. 7(2):e13242.
Park SC, Oh HS, Tripathi A, Abraham Kallivayalil R, Avasthi A, Grover S, Tanra AJ, Kanba S, Kato TA, Inada T, Chee KY, Chong MY, Lin SK, Sim K, Xiang YT, Tan CH, Javed A, Sartorius N, Shinfuku N, Park YC. Cannabis use correlates with aggressive behavior and long-acting injectable antipsychotic treatment in Asian patients with schizophrenia. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. (6):323-330
Park YC, Lee MS, Si TM, Chiu HFK, Kanba S, Chong MY, Tripathi A, Udomratn P, Chee KY, Tanra AJ, Rabbani G, Javed A, Kathiarachchi S, Myint WA, Cuong TV, Sim K, Yang SY, Sartorius N, Tan CH, Shinfuku N, Park SC. Psychotropic drugs – prescribing correlates of disorganized speech in Asians with schizophrenia: The REAP-AP Study. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal. 27(2):246-253
Peh Oh, Rapisarda A, Lee J. Childhood adversities in people at ultra-high risk (UHR) for psychosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychological Medicine. 49(7):1089-1101
Picco L, Seow E, Chua BY, Mahendran R, Verma S, Xie H, Wang J, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Help-seeking beliefs for mental disorders among medical and nursing students. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 13(4):823-831
Picco L, Chang S, Abdin E, Chua BY, Yuan Q, Vaingankar JA, Ong S, Yow KH, Chua HC, Chong SA. Subramaniam M. Associative stigma among mental health professionals in Singapore: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 9(7):e0281799
Poremski D, Falissard B, Fegert J, Witt A, Ordóñez AE, Martin A, Fung DSS. Moving from 'personal communication' to 'available online at': preprint servers enhance the timeliness of scientific exchange. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry & Mental Health. 13:42. doi: 10.1186/s13034-019-0301-4. eCollection 2019
Raine A, Ang RP, Choy O, Hibbeln JR, Ho RM, Lim CG, Lim-Ashworth NSJ, Ling S, Liu JCJ, Ooi YP, Tan YR, Fung DSS. Omega-3 (ω-3) and social skills interventions for reactive aggression and childhood externalizing behavior problems: a randomized, stratified, double-blind, placebo-controlled, factorial trial. Psychological Medicine. 49(2):335-344
Rekhi G, Alphs L, Ang MS, Lee J. Clinical utility of the Negative Symptom Assessment-16 in individuals with schizophrenia. European Neuropsychopharmacology. 29(12):1433-1441
Rekhi G, Ang MS, Lee J. Clinical determinants of social media use in individuals with schizophrenia. PLoS One. 14(11):e0225370
Sagayadevan V, Abdin E, Shahwan S, Satghare P, Devi F, Cetty L, Sendren JR, Verma S, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Motivations to quit smoking and challenges faced during cessation among individuals with first episode psychosis in Singapore. Early Intervention in Psychiatry. 13(6):1488-1494
Sagayadevan V, Jeyagurunathan A, Lau YW, Shafie S, Chang S, Ong HL, Samari E, Verma SK, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Cognitive insight and quality of life among psychiatric outpatients. BMC Psychiatry. 19(1):201
Samari E, Seow E, Chua BY, Ong HL, Lau YW, Mahendran R, Verma S, Xie H, Wang J, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Attitudes towards psychiatry amongst medical and nursing students in Singapore. BMC Medical Education. 19(1):91
Sambasivam R, Liu J, Vaingankar JA, Ong HL, Tan ME, Fauziana R, Picco L, Chong Sa. Subramaniam M. The hidden patient: chronic physical morbidity, psychological distress, and quality of life in caregivers of older adults. Psychogeriatrics. 19(1):65-72.
Seow LSE, Subramaniam M, Chan YWC, Martin DM, Abdin E, Chong SA, Liu J, Peh CX, Tor PC. A Retrospective Study of Cognitive Improvement Following Electroconvulsive Therapy in Schizophrenia Inpatients. The Journal of ECT. 35(3):170-177
Seow LSE, Tan THG, Abdin E, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Comparing disease-specific and generic quality of life measures in patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry Research. 273:387-393
Shahwan S, Abdin E, Shafie S, Chang S, Sambasivam R, Zhang Y, Vaingankar JA, Teo YY, Heng D, Chong SA, Subramaniam M. Prevalence and correlates of smoking and nicotine dependence: results of a nationwide cross-sectional survey among Singapore residents. BMJ Open. 9(10):e032198
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