While you are working tirelessly as a caregiver to ensure your loved ones’ needs are taken care of, your needs are to be taken care of too. Don’t fight this battle alone, here is a list of resources we have compiled so that you can receive the support you need.
Caregiver Asia
| Caregiver Group – NTUC LearningHub – Communicating Properly Online Caregiving Course
| Suitable for freelance caregivers without paid caregiving experience and/or those looking to increase their communication skills.
This course will better equip you with good communication skills that you can maximise during your caregiving sessions. This practical online course will help discover what your communication preferences are and how to recognize the preferences of others.
Caregiver Alliance Limited (CAL)
| Caregivers-to-Caregivers Training Programme (C2C)
| The C2C PMHI Programme is CAL's signature training programme. It is a fully-funded 12-week course for caregivers of Persons with Mental Health Issues (PMHIs), and is held at locations all over Singapore. Topics include:
- Mental health conditions & the brain
- Medications and their effects
- Communicating with a loved one with a mental health issue
- Understanding recovery and resilience
| (PMHI) Caregivers-to-Caregivers Education Programme for Young Caregivers
| CAL has launched a 8-session Programme for Young Caregivers (YCG) of Persons with Mental Health Issues (PMHIs).
Age criteria: 15-35 years old
Topics include:
- Holistic view of mental health and caregiving
- Problem solving framework
- Practice of Empathy
- Effective Communication and more
| Trauma Informed Care
Awareness Talk (1 hour)
| This introductory talk explores what a shared understanding of trauma entails, its prevalence in Singapore, and how trauma can be caused by an event like the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants also learn how to identify trauma in children and youth caused by Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) |
| Trauma Informed Care Workshop for Parents and Caregivers (4 hours)
| This workshop helps parents and caregivers how to integrate trauma informed care into their interactions with children and youths, as we help you understand:
- What trauma entails
- Trauma informed approaches
- Implementation of trauma informed care
- Healing and recovery
Support Groups
Counselling Services
Quick Resources