​​​Job Club is a one-stop centre which assists clients with their employment needs. Run by vocational specialists and job placement officers, the team provides vocational counselling and assessment, as well as job-matching. During job-seeking and placement process, the team works closely with both employers and potential employees to ensure job fit and placement success.

Upon completion of the recommended rehabilitation plan and assessments, clients would be assisted with their employment needs through job placement and support. This service adopts the “Choose-Get-Keep” model which is developed by the Centre for Psychiatric Rehabilitation in Boston, USA.

Individually-tailored Rehabilitation Counselling

Counselling is an important process as it helps to engage clients so that they are motivated and are assisted to persevere with their efforts to seek and sustain employment of their choice and functioning. It works on helping clients to have a better awareness of their vocational choice. It also helps to identify their interests and strengths for a better job match.

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​​Job preparation skills are used to equip individuals where necessary to prepare them for employment. Topics covered include career exploration, job seeking, resume writing and job interview techniques. 

Career Exploration

Clients will not only have the opportunity to explore their vocational interests but also understand more about the current job opportunities that can be provided based on our employer database. This step-by-step process will enhance their understanding of their personal likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, which may assist them in choosing, getting and keeping their desired job. Topics include:

  • Identifying personal values and interest
  • Examining positive and negative personal experiences from previous employments
  • Reviewing work values
  • Making personal career decisions

Job Seeking

Individuals are assisted to search for suitable jobs using the ne​​wspapers or other sources such as the Internet and software applications. During this process, our staff will explore with clients their vocational goals and expectations and also explain the current job opportunities in the market. After appropriate guidance and searching, individuals will be coached to contact prospective employers to arrange for a job interview or enquire more about the job requirements.

Resume Writing

A well-written, professional resume is essential to increase one’s chances of being shortlisted for an interview. Clients are guided through the process of writing a resume, including the type of template, what to include and the appropriate language to be used. Topics include:

  • Basics of resume
  • Types of resume
  • Resume format
  • Building a checklist

Job Interview Skills 

Clients will be guided on the dos and don’ts before, during and after an interview. Participants can pick up useful tips on how to be prepared prior to the interview and on how to perform better during the interview. This is an interactive session where clients will be encouraged to share their comments and opinions. Role-plays are used to simulate an interview in which further feedback and suggestions on improving interview skills will be provided. Topics include:

  • Preparing for a job interview
  • Finding out more about the job and the employer
  • Understanding if there is a job fit​
  • Practical advice such as getting to the venue, dressing appropriately, etc
  • Preparing for the interview questions
  • Role-play
  • Interview evaluation
  • Job interview tips

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Job Placement Support for Clients and Employers 

Ongoing assistance is provided to clients in their job search as soon as they are assessed to be job-ready. Clients can be matched to available job opportunities in our employment database. For clients who are able to search for their own jobs, staff will also guide and prepare them for interviews. Job matching is based on the individual’s interest and strength. Upon a successful job placement, onsite support and practical help will be provided to our clients to help them to adapt better to the new work environment.

Once a job match is established, support is provided to both the client and the employer through regular site visits and phone calls. Staff also provide crisis intervention whenever difficulties arise, particularly at the initial phase where there is often the need for adjustments to be made by both parties.​

Upskilling for Clients 

Job Club is also collaborating with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and its partner training providers to provide training courses to build skills that may be helpful for the workplace. The links below would provide you with more information for some of these courses. You may also browse and explore more courses and topics on myskillsfuture.gov.sg​

​​Emotional Intelligence for Workplace Success
​Coding for Beginners​
Engage Customers through Social Media
​​Building Resilience for Workplace Success​
Engaging F&B Customers on Social Media
​Personal Online Branding
​​Building a Multi-functional Website without Coding Skills​
​How To Build A Profit-Driven Business?
Learning to Code​
​Job Seekers 4.0
Storytelling using Smartphone Photography​
​Understanding Food Labels​
Hands-on Baking of Bread and Tarts
Web Design Technologies - Synchronous elearning
Build your Professional Brand and Get the Most out of LinkedIn​
Workplace Learning Blueprint Development
Introduction to Data Analytics
Introduction to Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
​Cloud Computing for All
Generating and Understanding Insights from Machine Learning Analytics using R
​Reflective Portfolio
​Workplace Creative Problem Solving
Interpersonal Communications: Relationship Building and Conflict Management
Branding Strategies & Planning Using Social Media​

Monthly support group sessions are conducted on Saturdays to enable clients to sustain employment in open market. During these sessions, clients who have successfully stayed on their jobs share their ideas and experiences. In the process, they are enabled to be a role model for others who are contemplating vocational rehabilitation. Work-Life balance is encouraged during sessions, whereby activities and outings are organized. Clients are also identified to take up leadership roles to facilitate the running of their groups. Over time, the support group grows towards peer support amongst clients in the group.

Partnerships are formed with various employers in different industries to provide employment opportunities for clients. Some of the industries include:

  • Food and beverage
  • Retail work
  • Administrative work
  • Cleaning
  • Others: laundry work, gardening etc.

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Various forms of support are provided to partnering employers. They include:

Collaboration with Employers

Before placing an individual on the job, staff will meet up with employers and the key supervisors to understand the job requirements and the employer.  An agreement is made to decide on the frequency of job-site visits and to determine the expected work behaviours and job tasks.  In addition to maintaining regular communication with the employer after the placement, staff will also provide employers the necessary skills and support to manage the individual on a day-to-day basis as well as during a crisis.

On-site Job Coaching

On-site job coaching involves visiting individuals at the job site after the job placement so as to assist employers in devising ways to maximise the individual’s abilities to fulfil all job requirements.  Staff will also assist to design and teach compensatory strategies to overcome identified deficits.

On-going Support 

Individuals who are working will receive on-going support to cope with work stress and changes. At different stages of work, these changes can be challenging for both the employer and the employee. Employers will gain an understanding of the individual’s functioning through consistent liaison with employers. They are then better able to adapt job tasks to the employee’s functional capacity.

Employer’s Appreciation Events 

To foster better communication and relations, existing and potential employers will be invited to the Employers’ Appreciation events organised by the Job Club. The events are a platform to encourage key service partners and employers to exchange their experiences. In addition, we hope to share with our employers, information on managing psychiatric conditions as well as gather feedback on how the Job Club can improve on our services.

Please contact us at 63892678 or email [email protected] if your company wishes to provide employment opportunities for our clients. We will get in touch with you. In all areas, we welcome your partnership and interest!​