​​'Mental health literacy' has been described as “knowledge and beliefs about mental disorders which aid their recognition, management or prevention". Research in many countries has shown that improving community mental health literacy is important in increasing appropriate help-seeking and improving the high level of unmet needs in the treatment of mental health conditions. The Research Division at IMH has embarked on a population-based study entitled “Mind Matters: A study of Mental Health Literacy 2022-2023". This study follows from the first Mind Matters study conducted in 2014-2015. The findings will provide insights on how the design and implementation of specific mental health strategies and programs for early detection, treatment, and recovery of people with mental health conditions can be improved.​

The aims of the Mind Matters 2022-2023 are to:

  1. Conduct a national survey to assess recognition and beliefs of the causes, treatment of and outcomes for common mental health conditions in Singapore.
  2. Track the extent of change in mental health literacy among the Singapore resident population specifically in relation to recognition and beliefs pertaining to causes, treatment options and outcomes for mental health conditions since the last survey conducted in 2014-2015.
  3. Examine the socio-demographic correlates of mental health literacy in the adult resident population, including changes since the last survey.
  4. Examine and compare the extent of stigma for specific mental health conditions since the last survey.

This two-year study is supported by the National Medical Research Council Health Services Research Grant and Tote Board under the Strategic Initiative on Mental Health.

For selected participants who wish to verify if they were approached by an authorized Mind Matters 2022-2023 interviewer, please visit the following .gov.sg link: https://for.sg/mindmattersverification. If the contact number provided to you does not belong to an authorized interviewer, please do not provide any personal information and inform us at 6389 2000.

The study team includes

Principal Investigator:

  • Prof. Chong Siow Ann, Institute of Mental Health


  • Assoc. Prof. Mythily Subramaniam, Institute of Mental Health
  • Ms Janhavi Vaingankar, Institute of Mental Health
  • Dr Edimansyah Abdin, Institute of Mental Health
  • Mr Chua Boon Yiang, Institute of Mental Health
  • Ms Shazana Shahwan, Institute of Mental Health
  • Ms Saleha Shafie, Institute of Mental Health
  • Ms Savita Gunasekaran, Institute of Mental Health
  • Prof Georg Schomerus, University of Leipzig
  • Dr Tan Weng Mooi, MOH Office for Healthcare Transformation
  • Ms Porsche Poh, Silver Ribbon Singapore